Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Godfather Part 1: Literary Feature Hunt

I have not been able to catch up on "The Godfather: Part 1" yet so I this post will be short. I will add to it once I have caught up.

Juxtaposition is one literary feature that I have been able to find in the movie. The example of this is near the beginning of the movie. The setting was very dark and had a chilling atmosphere. Don Corleone was seen in a meeting with another man. The room was dimly lit and the shadows on the people gave the setting the sinister feeling. When the meeting ended, the scene suddenly changed to a wedding party. It caused a lot of the viewers to 'jump in their seats' because of the sudden, loud music. This comparison allows the viewer to see Don Corleone's dangerous side and his 'normal' side.

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